| Read Time: 4 minutes | Dog Bite

In 2021, Frederick Law Firm won approximately $20.8 million in damages for two families who tragically lost their loved ones and suffered severe life altering injuries after a vicious dog attack perpetrated by an improperly handled retired police dog from the City of Exeter Police Department.

This was the largest verdict for a dog attack in the country and the 16th highest verdict in California that year and the highest general damages verdict San Luis Obispo County history. Unfortunately, on January 18, 2024, the California Court of Appeals reversed the award we obtained, but we are not finished fighting. Our position in Long v. City of Exeter is strong, and we have appealed this case to the California Supreme Court and continue to battle for the victims’ rights and the rights of all citizens who deserve to be safe and deserve justice. 

Unfortunately, on January 18, 2024, the California Court of Appeals reversed the award we obtained, but we are not finished fighting. Our position in Long v. City of Exeter is strong, and we have appealed this case to the California Supreme Court and continue to battle for the victims’ rights and the rights of all citizens who deserve to be safe and deserve justice.  

Background on Long v. City of Exeter

David Fear and Betty Long were innocent parties who suffered grievous and eventually fatal injuries due to the mishandling of a dog that was purchased, trained, and sold by the City of Exeter Police Department.

The Purchase and Training of the Dog 

In 2015, a police officer for the City of Exeter named Alex Geiger became the handler of a police dog from the city’s canine unit. The police dog was trained starting as a puppy to enjoy to  attack, bite and hold on to people upon the command of the handling officer. Unfortunately, the handler, a young first year officer, was inadequately trained and received only about a third of the hours of training that was required. About ten months later he decided to move to the Central Coast and in the Grover Beach Police Department. Since Grover beach did not have a K-9 unit, he was  no longer going to be a dog handler. He was falsely advised by his supervisor and chief at the Exeter Police Department that they would be putting the dog down unless he bought it from them for the amortized price they paid for the dog. 

Being an animal over he sacrificed to raise the approximate $5000 to save the dog’s life. He told them his intent was to have the dog become his domesticated pet. However, the City of Exeter additionally failed to warn him that the dog could not be used as a pet, that the dog could not unlearn its drive to see and enjoy attacking a human being, that the dog could not associate with his other dog, and that the dog would have to remain in a kennel for the rest of its life in order to protect his family and friends and neighbors. 

As a result of NOT being warned about these things, the young officer took the dog to his new rented home in Grover Beach and it became his pet.  Sadly one day the dog got out of the fenced yard and savagely killed David Fear and severely injured and disabled 86 year old Betty Long. 

The Attack

Betty Long and David Fear were neighbors who were having a conversation in Mr. Fear’s front yard on the day of the 2016 dog attack. Mr. Geiger was at work as a police officer on the day of the incident, and he left the retired police dog and his pet dog in his backyard. The dogs got loose and charged toward Mr. Fear and Ms. Long. The retired police dog bit Mr. Fear multiple times and knocked Ms. Long over and bit her, causing a break to her pelvis and a hit to her head. Tragically, Mr. Fear died three days later, due to the massive blood loss from the dog bites. Ms. Long suffered an extreme decline in health and lost her ability to live independently. The decline in Ms. Long’s health caused her to use a walker, and she eventually lost her life in 2023 after a hip-fracturing fall while using her walker.    

We Stand by the Trial Court’s Award to the Victims

After Mr. Fear’s passing, but before Ms. Long’s passing, we were part of the legal team that successfully brought a lawsuit against Mr. Geiger and the City of Exeter for losses suffered by Ms. Long, Mr. Fear, and Mr. Fear’s family due to the retired police dog’s attack. The trial court awarded Ms. Long $12.5 million in damages and $7 million to Mr. Fear’s survivors. The trial court also awarded thousands in sanctions against opposing counsel. 

The victims and survivors in this case deserve everything they were awarded and more. Mr. Fear, Ms. Long, and their families lost too much to the actions of a poorly handled police dog to let the Court of Appeals’ decision stand. And we are unafraid to fight for the victims and survivors to keep every penny the trial court awarded. So we will take this case to the California Supreme Court.

We Fight Every Step of the Way

When tragedy strikes through the negligence of other parties and no fault of the victims, justice must be obtained against the negligent parties. At Frederick Law Firm, seeking justice for injured parties is our top priority.

We have 40 plus years of experience, and we battle for our clients like they are family. We don’t give in. We have obtained several multi-million-dollar awards for victims of wrongful behavior, and we are aggressive and caring advocates for every client who seeks our representation. If you need a knowledgeable, successful, and attentive attorney, please give us a call or contact us online to schedule an appointment.

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